You may have seen products like the Power Push Up or the Perfect Push up, or other products which allow you to do push ups with your feet or hands raised. These are good to do because it allows you to go deeper, hitting your chest and making the exercise harder. Although it doesn't cost that much to buy them, maybe 30 or 40 dollars, you can make them yourself at home with a little ingenuity.
The simplest way to do it is to get some books and stack them on top of each other. Then put your hands on them and do push ups. You can use anything here really, like bricks, small weight plates stacked on top of each other, small stools, step up boxes, or just about anything you can find in your home.

To make them harder, also raised your feet on a surface. You can use a small chair to do this and get a real deep push up which will strengthen your chest and all the other muscles used to do push ups.
Labels: make push ups harder , make your own raised push ups , push ups