The bodyweight squat, pushups, neck bridges, pullups, sit-ups, the variations on these core bodyweight exercises are endless.
For a beginner, bodyweight exercises, along with some basic cardio, are one of the best ways to increase bodily strength and fitness. Bodyweight exercise is great for a beginner because it can be done in your own home, at the level you want to do. No pressure from trainers or other gym-goers.
For the advanced, bodyweight exercises for very high reps or for lower reps using difficult leverages can develop your muscles and physical abilities to very high levels. Many martial artists have used BWE for years and centuries to bring their bodies to top condition.
If you are into bare-bones or minimal training styles, then there is no further to look than BWE(bodyweight exercise).
Benefits of bodyweight exercise:
Master your own bodyweight, be able to manipulate your own weight.
Can be done pretty much anywhere, no or very little equipment required
You can do them in either high-rep, calisthenic style - or low rep, strength style.
A huge variety of exercises and variations can be used.
bodyweight exercises
Anytime, Anywhere - The Benefits of Bodyweight Exercise
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
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7:01 PM