The deadlift is a tough lift to do for many reps at a time. In my mind, it's better to do the deadlift for singles or doubles instead of high reps. The dead lift can hard to do for large rep sets because setting the weight up at the beginning often take some special work and the deadlift just isn't a lift that's made for multiple reps.
The rep scheme that we'll be discussing here is using low reps for the deadlift, and mostly single reps. Using only singles in the deadlift will allow you to do a perfect rep every time, and allow you to use maximum weight in your deadlifting.
Deadlift Singles Routine 1:
Deadlift once every week or once every 5 days
Take a 80-90% deadlifting weight, and do it for 15-30 singles. If the percentage listed is too hard or too easy, then find a weight that it is difficult to get through 20 singles with. Spend around 30 seconds to one minute between reps.
Stay with this routine until it's easy to complete the reps, then add weight and do it again at the new weight.
Deadlift Singles Routine 2:
Do a warmup, and single up to a hard rep for the day, near your max. Then drop back 10-15% and do 10-15 singles. When this becomes easy, do like the previous routine and add weight and go through the routine again.
You can use straps or any grip aid like chalk, it's your choice. Using low reps for strength building in the deadlift should be a good way to improve your strength if higher rep deadlifts aren't working for you.
abbreviated training
single reps