Bent pressing is among the most technical and difficult lifts to perform. The best bent pressers of old and today spend a great deal of time practicing their technique and form. The bent press requires much more discipline than almost all other lifts. Most lifts can be done with fairly little in the way of practice, while the bent press typically requires years of perfecting.
Bent Press: How To Shoulder The Bar
Beforehand, you need to mark the very middle of the bar. To find the center of the barbell, attempt to one hand deadlift the bar a number of times until it's perfectly balanced when you pick it up. At that point, either make a mark with a marker or put a piece of tape at that spot.
Put one hand on the center of the bar and with your other hand, grab the bar on the far end, near the weights. You need to heave the bar until it's standing on its end in front of you. It's better to keep your hand on the center of the barbell the entire time instead of doing it after it's on its end because you may grip it improperly and not be able to complete your bent press.
Squat down, and pull the bar into your shoulder. Grab the barbell with your free hand on the far end near the weights, and with a heave you should end up with the bar balanced with both of your hands on your shoulder. At that point, you need to position yourself for the bent press. Bend over with your hip out, and begin bent pressing.
It takes time and practice to shoulder the bar properly, but you should get the hang of it with enough time and practice.
Labels: arthur saxon , barbell bent press , bent press , bent pressing , louis cyr , shouldering the bar , training to shoulder the bar